
Web Developer



Hi, I'm Froilan Aquino, currently living in Caloocan City, Metro Manila, Philippines! I'm a full-stack developer/engineer, I develop and leverage JavaScript, Python, and MySQL, and i am a technology enthusiast.


You have any inquiries? Feel free to contact me at:

I develop applications using Javascript frameworks and libraries like React and also use the React's Framework Next.js, like this website. I used Next.js to create this website. I also used Supabase as my database and Firebase for my authentication. I'm currently getting my bachelor's degree in Information Technology and will finish in 2025. To sum up, my learning modalities are not limited to school classes; I also attend online sessions at the Google Developer Students Club to learn something new and seek opportunities for my career.

In my self-taught programming session, I used platforms like YouTube and freecodecamp to and at the same time learning UI/UX design since I'm also interested in designing. I also used Udemy, EdX, Coursera, and a like to learn something new and to add to my knowledge of programming. I also used platforms like Medium and to read articles about programming and learn something new. I also used platforms like Stackoverflow and GitHub to read questions and learn something new. Right now, I'm currently planning on getting certified in the Google UI/UX certification program through Coursera.

When I'm not coding, I' reading English books to hone my proficiency and expand my vocabulary. I also watch emerging technology-related videos to keep myself up-to-date with the latest technology trends.

# Froilan's top languages

top_languages =



: 40.17,


: 36.14,


: 11.64,


: 7.96,


: 4.05,


# Froilan's GitHub Stats

github_stats =



: 0,


: 375,


: 28,


: 44,


: 3,


# Froilan's WakaTime Stats

wakatime_stats =


'languages': {


: '373 hrs 22 mins',


: '309 hrs 49 mins',


: '72 hrs 18 mins',


: '58 hrs 41 mins',


: '18 hrs 6 mins',


: '17 hrs 41 mins',


: '16 hrs 56 mins',


: '10 hrs 8 mins',


: '9 hrs 56 mins',


: '5 hrs 42 mins',


: '4 hrs 10 mins',


: '2 hrs 55 mins',


: '2 hrs 39 mins',


: '2 hrs 17 mins',


: '1 hr 19 mins',


: '1 hr 1 min',


: '51 mins',


: '37 mins',


: '33 mins',


: '31 mins',


: '21 mins',


: '20 mins',


: '18 mins',


: '18 mins',


: '5 mins',


: '0 secs',


: '0 secs',


: '0 secs',


: '0 secs',


: '0 secs',


'activity': {


: '779 hrs 5 mins',


: '131 hrs 11 mins',


: '50 mins',


: '0 secs',


'editors': {


: '693 hrs 30 mins',


: '216 hrs 5 mins',


: '1 hr 3 mins',


: '28 mins',


'operating_systems': {


: '886 hrs 25 mins',


: '24 hrs 41 mins',



: '4 hrs 4 mins',


: '908 hrs 27 mins',

Frontend Roadmap